folioeast presents Summer the Barn Show featuring John Haubrich, Jane Martin, David Rufo, Matt Vega, Charles Waller, and Amy Wickersham.
The work is on display August 4-6, 2017 at Studio 144, 144 North Main Street, East Hampton.
Contact Coco Myers to see the work by appointment coco@folioeast.com 917.592.8033

Another John Haubrich oil painting as backsplash

Coco Myers (right) and good friend, Martha McCully, at the folioeast barn opening July 8.

David Rufo's optical oil paintings pop against the gray barn wall

Dennis Leri sculpture, large diptych by Janet Jennings, small wave paintings by Michele D'Ermo

folieast opening in the barn at Studio 144 in East Hampton, in the heart of NOMA

Guests between a Kryn Olson and a pair of Shari Abramson paintings

Jane Martin's dramatic print, "The Break."

John Haubrich's dazzling abstracts in the alcove

Kryn Olson (left) and Mark Perry paintings; Dennis Leri tabletop sculpture

The Barn as gallery...The first folioeast opening at Studio 144, East Hampton, in NOMA

The Barn opening. Color, Scale, Impact

The opening spilled out to the sculpture garden. Ceramic vessels by Donna Green.

The second show in the barn at Studio 144 in East Hampton. Sculpture by Amy Wickersham. Photos (left and right) by Jane